Nov 2, 2020

Injection molding is an intricate manufacturing process that helps create the same part thousands or even millions of times in succession. There are several benefits of this technique. The main advantage is that the price of producing each successive part decreases significantly during the process.

At Cav Tool Inc., we provide companies in Detroit with custom and high-quality close tolerance products. Click here to get a free estimate.

Today’s post will talk about injection molding, its benefits, and things to consider. This information is pertinent to both engineers and business owners interested in custom tooling.

Why Go For Injection Molding

Injection molding is primarily used for its ability to scale production to any given quantities. The initial set-up is both costly and time-consuming, but injection molding results in an extremely low per-unit price, which decreases as more parts are produced. It also helps to finalize prototypes for consumer or production.

Benefits Of Injection Molding

There are two main benefits of injection molding.

  • Lowers Scrap Rates

Firstly, with injection molding, you can reduce wastage that is common in other manufacturing processes. For instance, CNC machining cuts away large parts of a plastic workpiece. Injection molding, on the other hand, lowers scrap rates.

  • Ensures Consistent Parts

The second major benefit of injection molding is that it is repeatable. Every successive part will be identical to the first one. This helps to achieve consistency and part reliability when scaling production en masse.

That said, the consistency and accuracy of parts depend a lot on the initial design and prototyping. This brings us to the next point.

Design Considerations In Injection Molding

While injection molding lowers the production price of each unit, the upfront costs are substantially high. Setting up an injection molding process involves meeting all design, testing, and tooling requirements.

Specifically, you have to ensure the right design initially to reap the benefits of injection molding. This involves three major factors.

The first one involves designing and prototyping the part to specification. This is achieved on a 3D printer. The material used to develop the prototype is usually different from the material used to construct the final part.

The second factor is designing the injection mold tool for a test run. Thirdly and finally, all details in the injection mold tool have to be refined before proceeding with mass production in the manufacturing plant.

The aim is to simplify geometry and reduce the number of parts early on. This can be achieved by designing the part with injection molding in mind. Engineers and manufacturers need to understand the difference between various fabrication techniques when designing parts.

Moreover, the design of the mold tool should be as such as to prevent manufacturing defects. Running simulations proves beneficial in this regard.

Finally, one also needs to be aware of possible design constraints in injection molding. For instance, injection molding becomes intricate if you are designing parts with a thermoset material.

If you want to learn more about injection molding, click here to talk to our experts. At Cav Tool Inc., we help companies in Detroit by providing custom and high-quality close tolerance products.