Feb 26, 2021

While thinking of quality control, you possibly picture manufacturing businesses inspecting products for errors. However, the word ‘quality’ is essential when looking for the quality ensured tools of your need.
Quality Assurance is the CAV Tools domain that guarantees that all custom cutting tools are of the finest quality. If you are looking for a close tolerance product in Chicago, IL, place your custom tool order today!

Undoubtedly, quality management is the most critical aspect of any manufacturing business. A quality management system ensures consistent enterprise and consistent consumer service.

Moreover, commitment to quality management saves both time and money. If the product doesn’t meet the specified standard, it costs more time and money to correct it. On the other hand, if clients aren’t satisfied with the product quality, they won’t return. And as the word spreads, the company will gain a reputation for producing low-quality products, making it harder to attract and keep customers and employees.

That’s why at CAV Tools, we aim to set clear goals when it comes to quality standards. Our team creates operational processes to deliver quality products, assess the results, and get customer feedback for further improvements.

Here’s what our quality system includes.

1. Process Control

This process allows our experts to control extremely dynamic systems and deliver consistent results. Implementing sizeable automated process control systems is one of the main reasons the production and design of large and complex manufacturing processes is possible.

2. Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Statistical process control (SPC) is a quality control system that uses statistical analyses to track and control a process. It allows our professionals to decrease the wastage of materials and goods and increase efficiency (rework or scrap). Moreover, it calculates every phase where the conforming outputs are required.

The main methods applied throughout the SPC method are run maps, control charts, emphasis on performance development, and the creation of experiments.

3. Final Article Inspection (FAI)

The first Article Inspection is product verification, design background file, and a systematic procedure of calculating components and assemblies. Usually, the manufacturer does the FAI, and the purchase executive checks or accepts the professional paperwork. Ultimately, the validation of the first finest piece is done through the final inspection.
Using these proven quality control techniques, we meet all our clients’ production, packaging, and delivery requirements.

CAV Tools offers top-quality custom tools at economical rates for all clients residing in Chicago, IL. Our objective is to fulfill all your custom tooling needs while focusing on providing premium quality products at all times. Click here to place your order today!