Feb 11, 2022
Image of cutting fluid on machine

We’ve been making things out of metal for centuries, and it’s something that many people are still interested in today. There are various ways to work with metal, but one of the essential aspects is cutting it. Without a good way to cut metal, you’re not going to be able to do much with it. That’s where cutting fluids come in. Without them, the process would be much more complex and could result in damage to your tools or equipment.

Cav Tool discusses the ins and outs of cutting fluids in this blog post and everything you need to know about them because no one knows metal as we do!

What is a Cutting Fluid?

A cutting fluid is a liquid or gaseous material used to reduce metal heat, friction, and wear in machining operations. It can be applied as an emulsion (a mixture of two liquids that don’t usually mix), paste, aerosol spray, or injected into the tool-workpiece interface during chip formation.

Cutting fluids cool and lubricate the tool, which reduces friction while also keeping it from overheating. The fluid is sprayed onto the parts during machination.

It produces a thin oil film on top of your workpiece that enhances performance by minimizing wear, corrosion, heat damage, and other problems associated with metalworking operations. It also helps keep cutting tools sharp, extending their life span.

Types of Lubricants Used in CNC:

Several different lubricants are used in CNC machining, each with its unique properties and benefits. The most popular ones include:

Mineral Oil – The oldest type of lubricant; it is cheap and easy to use but has a high level of toxicity. It also tends to be very messy since it doesn’t evaporate like other fluids do when they dry out on parts or equipment surfaces.

Pneumatic Oils – These oils have low viscosity (resistance against the flow), making them ideal for pneumatic applications where air pressure is applied to create motion. Pneumatic oils are typically used in the automotive industry because they can lubricate moving parts without causing damage or wear on seals; this means less maintenance and more excellent reliability over time!

Synthetic Oils – This type of oil has many advantages, including being environmentally friendly while still providing excellent lubrication. It also tends not to be as messy as other types of lubricants when it dries out on parts or equipment surfaces (although this may vary depending on the brand).

Advantages of Cutting Fluids:

  • Keep tools and equipment from overheating
  • Lubricate moving parts and prevent wear
  • Help remove chips and debris from the work surface
  • Reduce friction between the device and the workpiece

Problems and Damages:

Although cutting fluids help protect tools and equipment from overheating, they can do more harm than good if misused. Some common problems include clogging or buildup inside metalworking machines (which will require regular maintenance).

In addition, the fluid itself could get contaminated with water or oil contamination resulting in poor performance at best – so it’s essential to keep an eye on the fluid condition.

A good quality machine would use any cutting fluid without causing damage. Cav Tool, we offer various products ranging from retainers to fixtures. We also have top-notch, professional staff members in Atlanta, GA, who are always happy to answer any questions you might have about our products or services. Get a free custom quote!