Image of manufacturing tools for fixture design

Key Takeaways:

  • Fixtures and jigs offer support to work pieces during manufacturing, ensuring a steady output.
  • The support and rigidity of design fixtures make them a necessary feature in all manufacturing operations.
  • There are six degrees of freedom in fixture design. An accurately designed fixture restricts the degrees of freedom.
  • Following the industry best practices ensures your fixture design is of high quality and can compete with other manufacturers.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to fixture design for manufacturing. What works for one company may not work for another. However, there are a few best practices that have proven successful time and time again in this industry. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common practices and how they can benefit your business.

What Are Fixtures and Jigs?

Fixtures are devices that hold, support, and locate workpieces during a manufacturing operation. Fixtures offer a means to reference the workpiece and support during a machining operation. Fixtures with the added feature of guiding the tool during manufacturing are called jigs. The following industrial products are characterized as fixtures:

  • Grinding Fixtures
  • Milling Fixtures
  • Welding Fixtures

Why Design and Build Fixtures

Fixture design and build are essential to the success of any manufacturing process. The fixture must provide adequate support, rigidity, and accessibility to the workpiece. The following are some reasons why fixture design and build is essential:

  • To reduce setup time
  • To improve accuracy
  • To reduce scrap rates

Design Basics of Jigs and Fixtures

Understanding how degrees of freedom work is key to understanding the design basics of manufacturing jigs and fixtures. The number of degrees of freedom (DOF) is the minimum number of independent coordinates that can specify the body’s position. In fixture design, there are six DOF:

  • Three linear dimensions
  • Three angular dimensions

The X, Y, and Z axes are the three linear dimensions. The three angular dimensions are A, B, and C axes. An adequately designed fixture restricts the degrees of freedom to ensure the part is locked in position, but not so precisely that the part is overconstrained.

Parts become overconstrained when redundant forces do the same job, resulting in counterproductivity. A four-legged chair is an excellent example of over-constraint. A chair’s four legs are redundant and only serve to make the chair more difficult to move.

One important fixture design consideration is ensuring enough space around the part for tooling clearance. This is especially important when designing fixtures for CNC machining because the cutting tools need a certain amount of space to avoid collisions. Fixture designers must also consider the part’s size and weight when designing the fixture.

For example, a large and heavy part will require a sturdier fixture than a small and light part. Additionally, fixture designers must consider how easy loading and unloading the parts from the fixture will be.

Successful fixture design engineers incorporate human-centric designs into their plans. The engineers often consider the following calculations:

  • How do you mount the fixture?
  • What is the operator’s reach?
  • What safety clearances does the fixture require?

After taking these calculations into consideration, the designer can create a model of the fixture using computer-aided design (CAD) software. This software allows designers to create a three-dimensional (3D) fixture model, which is then forwarded to the manufacturer for production.

When manufacturing fixtures, it is essential to use accurate machining methods. The most common type of CNC machine used for fixture manufacturing is a milling machine. Milling machines use rotary cutting tools to remove material from workpieces.

Learn more about how gibs and fixtures work with machine tools.

Manufacturing Best Practices for Fixtures

You can build both jigs and fixtures using metals and plastic. It is essential to use the most suitable materials for your specific application.

For example, if you need a fixture that can handle high temperatures, you will want to select a material that can withstand those conditions.

Some of the most common materials used in fixture design and manufacturing include aluminum, brass, stainless steel, and tool steel.

To ensure accuracy during the fixture manufacturing process, it is essential to use quality control methods.

These tools help manufacturers verify that fixtures are produced within the specified tolerances. The three most common precision measurement tools are calipers, micrometers, and optical comparators.

Ribs and fillets increase the fixture’s strength while helping distribute stress evenly. When designing a fixture, it is essential to consider how these features will affect the part’s overall strength and durability.

Experts also use springs to ease ejection and help with die clearance. Springs are a vital part of the fixture design process and should be carefully considered.

3D printing of jigs and fixtures is a newer technology becoming more prevalent in designing fixtures and manufacturing. This technology offers many benefits over traditional methods, such as increased accuracy and shorter lead times.

Once you get your hands on the prototype, your goal is to ensure it matches the precise manufacturing needs. You need to ensure the fixture meets the dimensional accuracy required for providing able support to the product.

Expert manufacturers suggest verifying the fixture’s dimensional accuracy with coordinate measuring machines (CMM). This process is essential to ensure that the fixture meets the required tolerances.

It is also essential to consider the type of surface finish required for the application. Achieving the correct surface finish can be critical for some applications.

There are many other factors to consider when designing and manufacturing a fixture. These are just a few of the most important ones. With careful consideration, you can develop a fixture that will help streamline your manufacturing process and produce high-quality parts.

Detroit, MI, is known for its manufacturing prowess, and for a good reason. The city has a long history of producing high-quality goods that are both durable and accurate. If you’re looking to get a piece of that action, the experts at Cav tool can help. We adhere to top-of-the-line fixture design and manufacturing processes that will ensure your product is of the best quality possible. Get a free custom quote now and see how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Image of auto shop engineering tools

Suppose you’re a specialist auto shop or a classic car enthusiast. In that case, reverse engineering parts can offer several advantages for your business. There are many reasons why reverse engineering parts can be advantageous for specialist auto shops.

When it comes to classic car restoration, for example, it’s often necessary to fabricate custom auto parts that are no longer in production. By reverse engineering existing components, specialists can create replicas that meet their clients’ precise specifications.

Additionally, it allows businesses to save money and time while improving their product offering. Cav Tool will explore five critical benefits of reverse engineering parts for specialist auto shops!

Benefits of Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering deconstructs an object to reveal its design, functionality, or structure. In other words, it’s taking something apart so that you can see how it works and figure out how to make something similar or better.

When applied to auto parts, reverse engineering can be used to create custom or aftermarket parts and improve the design of existing ones. Reverse engineering parts for specialist auto shops can have several benefits.

1. Saves Money

It can save manufacturers a significant amount of money because, with reverse engineering, the entire testing & prototyping stage can be skipped. It helps companies avoid re-tooling & drawing board costs, and there is no need to start from scratch.

2. Saves Time

It can also help save production time. The reverse engineering process allows auto workshops to quickly replicate or customize parts that are no longer in production. It diminishes the need for costly and time-consuming research and development projects.

3. Can Improve Design

In addition, reverse engineering specialists can improve existing designs, leading to shorter production times and faster turnaround times for clients. Businesses can create a planned product at a lower cost by changing the structure during the manufacturing process.

4. Can Develop Custom Parts

It can also help businesses create custom auto parts for clients requiring classic car restoration work. Companies can create a custom part to meet clients’ needs by reverse engineering an existing element. It allows companies to offer a unique product unavailable from any other source. You can also reverse engineer a piece so that it fits your specific needs. It is especially beneficial for businesses or people that need custom parts made.

5. Improve the Performance of Your Car

It can be used to improve the performance of a car. You can develop better quality components and upgrade the functionality of your old machine.  

Overall, reverse engineering parts have many advantages for specialist auto shops. Manufacturers can save time and money while creating better products for their customers. Reverse engineering is a powerful tool that companies in the auto industry should not overlook.

Ending Note

If you’re looking for custom auto parts for classic car restoration projects, look no further than the Cav Tool, serving Fort Worth, TX. Our reverse engineering specialists can help you create replica parts that meet your precise specifications, saving you time and money.

Get a free custom quote now and see how we can help improve your product offering!

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There’s something about gibs that makes machine tools work better. Without them, lathes, extruders, and CNC machines would struggle to maintain accuracy and stability. This blog post takes a detailed look at gibs and their significance in precision machinery. We’ll also explore the available gibs and how manufacturers install them for optimal performance.

So, if you’re curious about gibs or want to learn more about machine tooling, read on!

1) Gibs in CNC Machining – How Do They Work?

Computer numerical control (CNC) machines create exact parts and products. The machines are programmed with specific instructions that guide the cutting tools to create the desired shape. One of the challenges in CNC machining is maintaining accuracy over time. As the machine cuts through material, vibrations can occur that throw off the alignment of the cutting tools. This can cause inaccuracies in the final product. Gibs are installed on CNC machines to help mitigate this issue. Gibs are small adjustable wedges that fit between moving parts in the machine. By adjusting the gibs, operators can fine-tune the machine’s performance and keep it running smoothly.

2) Adjusting Gibs to Ensure Proper Positioning

Experienced technicians should ensure that the gibs keep the cutting tools performing as required. Over time, as the machine continues to cut material, the gibs may become loose or worn out. This can cause the cutting tools to lose alignment and create inaccuracies in the final product. A regular inspection ensures the machine functions smoothly and produces high-quality parts.

3) What Causes a Gib to Wear Out?

Most commonly, it is due to the cutting tools hitting hard materials or debris. Poor lubrication can also cause gibs to lose their shine, which causes friction and heat build-up. Worn or damaged gibs can cause a decrease in accuracy and productivity, so it’s essential to keep a watchful eye on them and replace them as needed.

4) How Often Should You Adjust Gibs?

The adjustment frequency depends on the machine type and how often you use it. For example, a lathe used for production work requires gibs adjusted more often than a machine used for one-off projects. Generally, it’s best to check the gibs weekly and adjust as needed.

5) How Do You Adjust Gibs?

The first step is to identify the gib screws. These are the screws that hold the gib in place. To adjust the gib, you will need to loosen the gib screws slightly and then move the gib in or out as needed. Once you have the desired setting, tighten the screws back down. CAV Tool is your ideal partner for your next manufacturing project. We provide customized manufacturing solutions that are developed explicitly according to our client’s needs in Grand Rapids. With years of experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you get the most out of your manufacturing process. Get a free quote

Images of gibs

Manufacturing has evolved considerably in many aspects to satisfy cost and timing constraints. It’s fascinating to see how far most businesses have progressed in the last 20 years. It is especially true when it comes to machinery and equipment like CNCs, lasers, and waterjets. It has made die design and metal stamping much more precise. Even though these machines are faster and more accurate, one element of die design has been left in the past: its two-dimensionality.

And no regrets! You don’t want to be a business stuck with an abacus. Let’s look at how adding depth and texture to plain old dies can take your metal stamping to the next level.

What is a 3D Design?

A three-dimensional (or “additive”) design is achieved by adding material to a workpiece—usually layer by layer—until the desired shape is achieved. The advantage of additive manufacturing over traditional subtractive methods, such as milling or drilling, is that there is very little waste material generated in the process.

How Does 3D Design Technology Work?

A three-dimensioned die design software helps create a virtual model of the die on computer screens. It’s fully assembled as if it were a real, physical object. The software can even simulate how the die will function upon completion. The software allows you to look at the die’s sides and make changes before cutting the metal.

Some software even allows you to run the die in a press simulation. It also detects crashing and strip-feeding interference on your computer screen rather than when the die is complete.

What Are the Benefits of Using Die Designs?

There are many benefits of using three-dimensional die design software.

Detecting Problems in Time:

The most important benefit is that 3D die design technology can help you detect potential problems with the die before it is built. Looking at a 3-D model rather than a flat, 2-D, static print is much easier to envision a die design. Since you won’t miss the features that are difficult to spot on a drawing, you can avoid potential die problems.

Eliminate the Need for Physical Prototypes:

In the past, prototyping a die design was essential to detect potential problems. With three-dimensional die design software, you can eliminate the need for physical prototypes. By looking at a three-dimensional die model, you can catch errors and make changes beforehand. You can also maintain your quality standards by controlling the die design process from start to finish.

Reduce Design Time:

Who isn’t feeling the pressure to do more with less? Three-dimensional die design software will help complete projects in a fraction of the time it would take to create drawings by hand. Most experts claim that the design process speeds up by 30 percent.

Better Communication:

Another significant benefit is that you can share the virtual model with others involved in the project, such as the engineers or people building the die. This way, everyone can see what the final product will look like and how it will function.

It’s also helpful for training new employees on how to use the die. They can practice on the computer simulation before working with actual dies.


If you feel your business could benefit from die design technology, make sure to contact a professional for more information. Whether for better communication or improving the design process, die design technology is a helpful tool for any business that uses metal stamping.

Cav Tool, serving Los Angeles, CA, is a leading provider of metal stamping services. We use the latest die design software to manufacture dies that meet our customers’ precise specifications.

Get a free custom quote today!

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Image of punch and die tools

You may have heard the term “punch and die” before, but what does it mean? And how does it work? A punch and die are standard tools used in metalworking. It is made up of two parts: the punch and the die. The punch is a sharp piece of metal that punches through the material, while the die is the piece that holds the material in place.

Die details are essential for ensuring a good quality product. That’s why in this article, Cav Tool will be discussing the die details for punches and trims.

Why Punch and Die?

An alternative method to drilling punches and dies creates a cleaner and more precise hole. The punch punches through the material and leaves behind a slight burr. This burr can then be removed with a die trim.

Punching is also a much faster process than drilling, which makes it ideal for mass production. It also offers more versatility in shapes and sizes while maintaining a clean and precise cut.

How Does It Work?

The punches and dies work together using a solid metal piece to create a clean-cut hole in the desired material. The punch is the top piece and has a sharpened edge that does the actual cutting. The die is the bottom piece, providing a counterforce to the punch.

The two pieces are held together with pressure, which can be applied manually or hydraulically. Alignment is critical, as even the slightest misalignment can cause problems down the line.

We’ll look at the 3 phases for punch and die action below.

Phase 1: Deformation

This stage is where the cutting happens. The sharpened edges of the punches come down on the dies and, with enough pressure, punch through the material.

The pressure needed will depend on the hardness of the material being cut. Softer materials like paper or cloth require less pressure than metal.

Phase 2: Penetration

At this point, the punch pushes deeper into the material, which starts to penetrate the die below.

That is where things can potentially go wrong if the punch and die aren’t adequately aligned. If the punch isn’t lined up correctly, it can cause the material to bunch up or bind in the die, damaging both the punches and dies.

Clean trims are essential for a good punch and die set. If the punches and dies are damaged, it can cause the trims to be less than perfect, which can affect the quality of your final product.

Phase 3: Fracture

In comparison to drilling or sawing, the material is not cut. Instead, it fractures under the pressure and force of the punch.

This is why punches and dies need to be made of extremely tough materials, like tool steel, which can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Once the punch has fractured the material, it continues to push down into the die.


Punch and dies are an essential part of the manufacturing process, and choosing a reliable supplier is important. Cav tool offers punches and dies made from high-quality materials and backed by excellent customer service.

Suppose you ever require fine quality, high-tolerance tools. In that case, you can always consult with the best tooling experts in Atlanta, GA.

Get your free custom quote now!

Image of tool machinery
Image of worker with hammer creating a custom punch

Have you ever seen an incomprehensible piece of metal and didn’t know what it did? You may have been looking at a metal punch. Metal punches are used everywhere. From assembly lines to machine shops, these strange-looking pieces of metal play an essential role in manufacturing processes.

These specialized tools play a significant role in completing complex and simple projects. However, if you are hearing of them for the first time, Cav Tool brings you this guide on custom punches and some of their benefits.

What are Custom Punches?

Custom punches can be used to drill holes in metal. They are made to order and can be designed to meet a customer’s specific needs. Molders make punches from various materials, including carbon steel, tool steel, and stainless steel.

Automated punch presses are the machines used for manufacturing your required punches. You may need a particular tool for a specific job and not be able to find it on the market. This is when you would benefit from having a custom punch made.

Benefits of using Custom Steel Punches

Custom metal punches (or steel) are the most versatile. Let’s look at some of the benefits they provide.

1. Strength and Durability 

Custom punches are made of high-quality materials that withstand a lot of wear and tear. Unlike other materials, they will last longer and handle more complex jobs. Since steel is considered to be one of the strongest metals, it can last you a very long time.

2. Better Accuracy

Custom punches are explicitly designed for the job at hand. This results in greater accuracy and less waste. Whether you need it for business or personal use, a custom punch will give you the results as per your expectations.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Contrary to what you may think, custom metal punches are very cost-effective. They come in a very affordable price range, especially if you opt for a trusted manufacturer, such as Cav Tool.

4. Adaptability

Because these punches are custom-made, they are highly adaptable. Depending on your design, you can use them for multi-purposes.

5. Increased Productivity

When you have the right tools, your productivity will increase. Customized steel punches make it easier and faster to complete a project without compromising on quality while getting accurate results. You can complete your DIY project or a corporate model.


Now that you are well-versed in custom punches and how to use them for different purposes, it will be easier to avail yourself of one for your unique requirements.

Customized steel punches are the best way to get accurate results for your ironworking and stamping projects. If you are looking for a trusted manufacturer, you can check our services at Cav Tool, serving Columbus, OH. We provide custom tools and solutions for manufacturing processes and machines with the highest quality of materials.

Avail of our top-class custom punches today, or get a free quote now!

Image of engineering machinery

Reverse engineering is a complicated process that takes years of practice to perfect. For many companies, the cost and time commitment required to do this in-house is prohibitive. That’s when companies consider outsourcing reverse engineering. Working with a third-party provider can give companies access to experienced engineers who can help them reverse engineer products quickly and efficiently.

This blog post will explore the factors influencing whether a company should purchase or outsource its reverse engineering equipment.

What is Reverse Engineering?

What do you get when combining mathematics, computer programming, and art? One of the most fascinating and unique forms of self-expression: reverse engineering.

It is what you see when someone takes something apart and rebuilds it in a different form, often with a completely different function. It’s like assembling a jigsaw puzzle but with a real-world object. And while the results can be fantastic to behold, it’s also a challenging process that requires skill and patience in equal measure.

Factors to Consider

You must consider certain factors when purchasing or outsourcing your reverse engineering equipment. It’ll help you make the best decision for your needs.

Frequency of Use:

How often do you plan on using the equipment? If it is for a one-time project, it might not make sense to purchase the equipment outright. Instead, you could outsource it to a company that specializes in reverse engineering.


If you plan to scan many things with varied sizes and surface qualities, you may need more than one piece of equipment to complete the task. Outsourcing to a business that offers many devices can help you save time and money.

Staff Training:

How comfortable is your staff with using the equipment? If you don’t have skilled team members, it might be best to outsource the project. However, if you decide to purchase, you must consider investing in training.

Ongoing Maintenance:

It implies that you are in charge of calibrating, operating, and maintaining the equipment. If you’re not prepared to do so for the equipment’s entire lifespan, outsourcing may be a good option. Some equipment resellers also give ongoing training, assistance, and maintenance if you buy; look for one that does.


Of course, the biggest factor is cost. If you have the budget to procure the equipment outright, that’s great! However, if you don’t have the initial investment or ongoing maintenance costs in your budget, it might make more sense to outsource your reverse engineering projects.

NIST Traceability:

NIST traceability is the ability to track measurements back to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is essential for quality control, as well as for legal reasons. If your company needs NIST traceability, you’ll need to purchase specific equipment.

Now that you understand a little more about the factors that influence purchasing or outsourcing reverse engineering equipment, you can decide what is best for your company. Analyze, research, and determine what will work best for you and your budget.


Whether you want to replicate a product, improve upon it, or create cheaper alternatives to it, you need reverse engineering.

If you don’t have trained personnel or the right tools, you can rely on Cav Tool, serving Chicago, IL, to outsource your project.

We have the state-of-the-art equipment, experience, and knowledge, to complete the job quickly and efficiently.

Contact us today to discuss the possibilities.

Image of fabrication and machinist tools

Fabricators and machinists often have to work with small or delicate parts. It is crucial that these parts are not only well-made but also securely held in place. It is where ball-lock and cut-off retainers come in.

Both types of retainers have their benefits and applications. From electronics to automotive parts, these retainers are helpful in various industries.

Let’s explore the benefits and applications of ball-lock and die-button retainers.

Ball-Lock Retainers

Have you ever worked with a ball-lock retainer? If not, you’re missing out! Ball-lock retainers are one of the most versatile and valuable types of fasteners. They consist of a housing, a ball, and a spring. The ball fits into the housing where a spring locks it in place.

The automotive industry commonly uses ball-lock retainers to secure parts like brake pads, fuel lines, and hoses. They are also used in aerospace applications like aircraft engines and landing gear.

Benefits of Ball-Lock Retainers:

There are many benefits of ball-lock retainers.

Easy to Install – Ball-lock retainers are easy to install. You push the ball into the housing until it locks into place.

Reusable – You can remove and install them multiple times without affecting their performance.

Tamperproof – Once installed, you cannot remove ball-lock retainers without the key. It makes them ideal for applications where security is a concern.

Vibration Resistant – It makes them ideal for applications with a lot of movement or vibration. They are also less likely to loosen over time.

Corrosion Resistant – The material used to make ball-lock retainers is resistant to corrosion. It makes them ideal for use in harsh environments.

Cut-Off Retainers:

Cut-off dies cut cleanly off of the continuous stream of metal. The material is sheared into two pieces without any waste. You can cut square or rectangular tubing without damaging material. You can adjust the sizing to accommodate different widths and thicknesses of material.

Cut-off retainers are perfect for use in a production setting. Aerospace, medical, and electronics industries commonly use cut-off retainers. They can handle everything from small parts to large complex shapes.

They are also frequently used in automotive applications such as exhaust systems and fuel lines.

Benefits of Cut-Off Retainers:

Below are some compelling reasons to use cut-off retainers in your next project:

High Precision – You can achieve a tight tolerance when cutting materials with a cut-off retainer. It improves the quality of your finished product.

Fast and Efficient – The cutting process is swift and efficient. You can complete tasks in a matter of seconds.

Versatile – Cut-off retainers are versatile and practical on various materials, including aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, and even titanium.

Cost-Effective – Cut-off retainers save you money by eliminating the need for secondary operations such as deburring or chamfering.

Reduced Wastage – Cut-off retainers produce very little waste material.


How well a die-cut or retainer performs depends on the material’s production, the cutting surface’s quality, and how well it is designed and manufactured. If you are looking for high-quality ball-lock and cut-off retainers, you must check out our collection at Cav Tool.

We offer various retainers, punches, and dies in Grand Rapids. We can also customize a solution for your specific needs.

Get a custom quote now!

Image of machinery
Image of worker quality checking a metal part for fabrication

Inspection procedures in metal parts fabrication are essential but often misunderstood. Many people think these measures only ensure quality and help meet consumer demands. Still, there is much logic behind them.

This blog post will explore the thought process behind inspection and what it means for your business.

Importance to The Fabricator:

As a fabricator, you are constantly striving to create the perfect product. It can be easy to get caught up in the production process and overlook small details like scratches or uneven edges on a metal part. These minor imperfections can easily be missed, but they can also lead to faulty assembly or function problems.

Quality assurance can help you catch these mistakes before they become costly errors. It also allows you to track your progress and ensure that everything meets the quality control standards.

Importance to the Client:

Your clients demand quality products. If the bolts on their car engine are not up to par, or the brackets on their shelves are not level, it reflects poorly on your business.

By investing in quality assurance, you message your clients that you are dedicated to providing the best possible product.

It can help you build trust and maintain long-term relationships with your clients.

Reduce Your Working Cost:

Businesses strive to reduce their working costs to improve their bottom line. Quality assurance impedes operating costs in two ways.

First, detecting errors early on prevents them from becoming expensive problems later.

Second, QA provides data that can be used to improve processes and make them more efficient. You can reduce scrap, rework, and downtime by streamlining your operations. As a result, you will save on material and labor costs.

Focus on Zero Defects:

Even one defective product is one too many. While achieving a perfect record may not be possible, striving for zero defects is an excellent way to improve the overall quality and save on wastage.

A competitive QA process can help achieve zero defects through Statistical Process Control. It is a quality control method that uses statistics to track and improve process performance.

By monitoring your processes and collecting data, you can identify problem areas and make the necessary changes to manufacturing procedures, tools, and training.

Constant Jigs and Fixtures Improvement:

Calibration and regular inspection of jigs and fixtures are essential to ensure accuracy. It is vital because the workability of the product depends on it. However, sometimes it may escape human inspection, which can cause many problems.

By implementing a quality assurance system, you can ensure that your jigs and fixtures are always up to par. If there is a problem, you can address it by redesigning or repairing jigs and fixtures. Although expensive, it has long-term benefits in terms of productivity and quality.


High-quality jigs and fixtures are essential contributors to improved productivity and product quality. Cav Tool offers some of the most refined jigs and fixtures in Detroit.

We are committed to helping businesses improve their quality assurance processes with our retainers, fixtures, punches, and other products.

If your business has specific needs, we custom-design and manufacture according to your specifications.

Get a free custom quote today!

Image of man putting on a drill bit onto a drill

Are you tired of going to the store every time you need a new piece of hardware for your project? Are you unsure what type of screws or nails to get and end up with too many or not enough? Do you find yourself frustrated with how long it takes to put together a piece of furniture?

Well, have we have some news for you! There are fixture kits that can make your life so much easier.

What Are Fixtures Kits?

A fixture kit is a set of hardware that contains all the screws, nails, brackets, and other pieces you need to complete a project. The great thing about these kits is that they come in various sizes to handle the specific job at hand.

Types of Fixtures:

Depending on the project, you may come across a variety of fixtures. Below are some of the most common fixtures you may need for your next project.

Turning Fixtures: Turning fixtures are great for when you need to add a decorative touch to your project. It could be anything from adding a new doorknob to your front door or adding a new set of cabinet pulls to your kitchen.

Grinding Fixtures: Fixtures of various shapes and sizes are used in grinding machines to locate, hold, and support the workpieces throughout the process. These fixtures can be found in multiple forms, including standard work holding devices such as chucks, mandrels, chuck with formed jaws, magnetic chucks, etc.

Welding Fixtures: Welding fixtures are built to keep and support the various components in their proper positions while preventing welded structures from being deformed. The fixture must be pretty sturdy and rigid to apply the necessary clamping force while ensuring that the welding process is carried out smoothly.

Common Fixture Kits:

Among the various fixture kits available in the market, here are some of the most commonly used ones:

Drill Press Fixture Kit: It is a must-have for anyone who owns a drill press. It helps to ensure that the holes are drilled in the right place and at the right angle.

Vision Fixture Kit: It is used to help position the workpiece in the right place so that it can be welded accurately.

Magnetic Fixture Kit: It holds the workpiece in place during welding.

Pipe Welding Fixture Kit: It is used to weld pipes of different diameters.

There are many other types of fixture kits available in the market. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Why Use Fixture Kits?

There are several reasons why you might want to utilize a fixture kit. Maybe you don’t have all the tools to complete a project. Perhaps you’re not sure how to start, and a kit will give you the confidence to get going. Or maybe you don’t have the time to run around looking for all the little pieces you need. Whatever the reason, a fixture kit can make your life much easier.

Benefits of Fixture Kits:

There are many benefits to using fixture kits.

  • They’re easy to use – You don’t have to be an expert to complete installation.
  • They’re affordable – You can find a kit that fits your budget.
  • They’re versatile – You can use them for a variety of projects.

Final Thoughts:

Cav Tool, serving Fort Worth, TX, takes custom fixture requests. We also offer a wide range of stock products, including retainers, punches, and buttons.

Give us a call today to learn how we can help you with your next project.